the Imagination House


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image display 2


#6800 Divider Extensions
and Interior Doors
Dye1 Brown Shingle Dye
Dye3 Grey Shingle Dye
#6801 Gingerbread Set
C50 Chimney
Stucco - Texture paint additive
#6802 Eave Nosing
and Gingerbread
Turntables Purchasing
ET250 Installation Slideshow
image display

#6803 Banister
and Landing Rails

4017 Staircase, Banister, Lanidng
Pine Staircase upgrade

#6804 Interior Window
and Door Trim

P2000 Wallpaper
HH444 Wallpaper

#6805 Flower Boxes kit J-FK Interior Trim set
#6807 Octagonal
Split Pine Shingles

#6888 "Best 1" Electrification kit
[contents of the #6888 set]

#6808 Rectangular
Wooden Shingles
Dollhouse Minis:
A dollhouse for your dollhouse

IH-JM44 Extension fits the Imagination Dollhouse 
note: IH-JM44 has
6806 style shingles

SW16 Stripwood Pack
16) 7/16 x 23-7/8 or equivalent